Traditional Paraguayan yerba mate blended with katuava and gensing
CAMPESINO Yerba Mate with Anís is a yerba blended with katuava and gensing. The yerba comes from the best yerba plantations in the area of Itapúa and Alto Paraná, which make of this brand a premium quality product for export from the land of the Guaraní. The medicinal properties of katuava are known for its good gastric stimulator effect. It is also used as reactivator of male strength and of all the internal secretion glands. In the modern herbal medicine of Brazil katuava is considered to stimulate the nervous system with the properties of aphrodisiac and the its infusion is used against sexual impotence, tension, stress, neurasthenia, insomnia, hypochondria, bad memory or amnesia and sexual weakness, and pains related to the central nervous system.